Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions


  • All guests use the holiday home and the general facilities with care and in accordance with their intended purpose.

    We accept no liability for:

  • Theft, loss or damage of any kind, during or as a result of a stay in our accommodation

  • Failure or disabling of technical equipment and failure of facilities in the accommodation

  • There is play equipment such as De Berg Playbase, 360 degree seesaw, bicycles, the trampoline, skateboards or roller skates in the garden. It is at your own risk to play with these. So first assess whether you let your children play on / with these and keep an eye on them.

  • The tenant is liable for all loss and damage to the rented property and other property of the building at Bosruiterweg 25-3, regardless of who caused the damage.

  • Any damage is reported to us immediately via WhatsApp, so that we can ensure that the next guests have everything complete.

  • We can offset the amount of damages against the paid deposit (if this is too little, you will also be liable for the excess and, if necessary, a payment arrangement can be agreed).



  • You can ask for an option without obligation, so that you can consult with the others. We will then temporarily block the calendar so that no one else can book
  • If you want to make a definitive booking, you can request to convert the option into a booking


  • You can also submit a booking request directly to us.
  • Your booking is final as soon as we state this in our response.
  • The person who arranges the booking with us is our contact person and the person who arranges the payment (and who may settle it with the rest of the group)
  • You will usually receive the formal confirmation, which is also the invoice, within 4 working days.
  • According to the General Terms and Conditions, you pay 50% within 7 days after booking and the remainder (+ deposit fee) no later than 1 month before arrival
  • Tourist tax is calculated with an advance payment: if you do not have your stay until the following year, a correction may be made.
  • Within 2 weeks after departure you will receive the deposit back by bank transfer - if there is nothing to settle.


  • At least 2 weeks before departure we will send you various details to prepare, including the inventory list, so that you know exactly what is available and you do not have to take it with you.
  • We will contact you about the time you expect to receive the keys
  • On the day of arrival we will send you the directions and barrier code again
  • I will personally explain the house to you or ensure that you receive the information you need
  • If you would like tips for outings, we would be happy to give them to you...
  • Before and during your stay I like to communicate via WhatsApp and you can also call me